تقدير نموذج الطلب شبه الأمثل لاستهلاك اللحوم الحمراء في ليبيا خلال العام 2021 (بلدية حي الأندلس نموذج تطبيقي)
التصحر Indicators of Desertification and its Impact on the Degradation of Agricultural Lands: A study of the Geography of Gadaref State Dr. Salwa Hassan Ahmed Sulieman Faculty of Arts | Al-Neelain University | Sudan مؤشرات التصحر وتأثيره على تدهور الأراضي الزراعية: دراسة جغرافية ولاية القضارف الدكتورة / سلوى حسن أحمد سليمان كلية الآداب | جامعة
مؤشرات التصحر وتأثيره على تدهور الأراضي الزراعية: دراسة جغرافية ولاية القضارف قراءة المزيد »
الأردن Analyzing Essential Imports of Food and Inputs by Using Descriptive Analysis and Time Series Models (2002-2021) (Adjusted Exponential Smoothing Method) Dr. Amin Osama Shammout*1, Dr. Osama Suliman Alsalaheen1 , Dr. Ameen Sulieeman Alzubaidi1 1 Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation | Jordan تحليل أبرز مستوردات السلع الغذائية والمدخلات المستوردة في الأردن باستخدام التحليل الوصفي ونماذج السلاسل
The impact of the repercussions of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the rural agricultural sector from farmer’s point of view in Egypt* Prof. Mamdouh Mohsen El-Ghazaly1 , Dr. Mohamed Al-Sayed Ahmed Zayed1 , Dr. Shereen Mohammed Mahmoud Asy*1 1 Agricultural Extension & Rural Development Research Institute | Agriculture Research Center | Egypt أثر تداعيات جائحة
Factors Affecting Farming Sustainability for Farmers at Banger El-Sokar – Region – El-Behira Governorate Dr. Khaled Elsayed Mohamed*1 , Dr. Islam Hassan Sakr1 , Dr. Ahmed Mamdouh Amer1 , Dr. Ebtesam Maher Mohamed1 1 Agricultural Extension & Rural Development Research Institute | Agricultural Research Center | Egypt العوامل المؤثرة على الاستدامة المزرعية للزراع بإحدى قرى
Use of the Azoll plant (Azolla pinnata) in Broiler Diets and its effect on the Microbial Content of the Intestine and Carcass Characteristics Dr. Anwar Mohammed Yonis Al-Hamed*1 , Agric-Eng. Nihad Abdul-Aljabbar Al-Husseiny2 1 College of Agriculture and Forestry | University of Mosul | Iraq 2 Faculty of Agriculture | Tal Afar University | Iraq
Yellow Maize farmers knowledge and Implementation of Spodoptera Frugiperda Comprehensive Control Strategies and their Sources of Information in Some Villages of Sohag Governorate in The Arab Republic of Egypt Hala Shokry Nosier*1, Mohamed El-Sayed Zayed1 , Mohamed Abdel-Fattah El-Sayed1 1 Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Research Institute | Agricultural Research Center | Egypt معارف وتنفيذ
Effect of feeding frequency and adding Moringa seeds to the ration on growth traits and some blood components in Awassi lambs* Mrs. Israa Salim Hayder*1 , Lecturer \ Muthanna Fathi Abdullah2 1 Office of Agricultural Research | Ministry of Agriculture | Iraq 2 College of Agriculture and forestry | University of Mosul | Iraq تأثير
Feeding common carp fish on diets containing different percentages of ginger (Zingbar officinale) and its effect on the characteristics of the blood and biochemical parameters Mr. Omar AbdulHameed Al-Kurjia College of Agriculture and Forestry | University of Mosul | Iraq تغذية أسماك الكارب الشائع على علائق تحتوي على نسب مختلفة من الزنجبيل (Zingbar officinale) وتأثيره